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State of the Environment in Europe / Miljøets tilstand i Europa

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Onsdag d. 29. januar 2020 kl. 15:30 til 17:30


Onsdag d. 29. januar 2020 kl. 09:00


Europæiske Miljø Agentur / European Environmental Agency, Kongens Nytorv 6, 1050 København Europæiske Miljø Agentur / European Environmental Agency
Kongens Nytorv 6
1050 København

State of the Environment in Europe / Miljøets tilstand i Europa


"Europe’s environment is at a tipping point. We have a narrow window of opportunity in the next decade to scale up measures to protect nature, lessen the impacts of climate change and radically reduce our consumption of natural resources.

Our assessment shows that incremental changes have resulted in progress in some areas but not nearly enough to meet our long-term goals. We already have the knowledge, technologies and tools we need to make key production and consumption systems such as food, mobility and energy sustainable.

Our future well-being and prosperity depend on this and our ability to harness society wide action to bring about change and create a better future."

These are the words of the latest report from the European Environmental Agency - so what does this mean and what can we do to prevent this in the next report?

1500       Ankomst til EEA. Husk at tage billede-legitimation med og giv dig god tid til at komme i gennem receptionen.

1530       Velkomst v. Steen Gade, Nyt Europa

                Præsentation af SOER- rapporten v. Jock Martin, EEA (på engelsk)

1550       Spørgsmål / svar

1600       Præsentationer af aktuelt arbejde med hhv. det marine, cirkulær økonomi og klima v. EEA-eksperter (på dansk)

1630       Roundtable diskussion

1700       Tak for i dag v. Steen Gade, Nyt Europa

Join us for the event "State of the European Environment"
29th of January 15.30-17.30
@ The EEA, Kgs Nytorv 6
1050 København K


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