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Transgressive Border Control: Talking Human Rights with Frontex

Dato og tid

Mandag d. 3. marts 2025 kl. 19:00 til 20:00


Mandag d. 3. marts 2025 kl. 16:00


Globalt Fokus, Rysensteensgade 3, 1564 København Globalt Fokus
Rysensteensgade 3
1564 København

Transgressive Border Control: Talking Human Rights with Frontex

Frontex – the European Border and Coast Guard Agency – can be a point of conflict for many.

It is an Agency that have repeatedly been in the spotlight for their handling of migrants, and in 2025 we have already seen a case at the EU Court of Justice, FRONTEX is being sued by a Syrian family over illegal pushbacks. A case with potentially far-reaching consequences for EU migration policy and Frontex’s accountability.  
As EU citizens we often follow the media coverage but are much less knowledgeable about how Frontex actually operates both internally and on a practical level. In the political externality humanitarian work for refugees at the EU’s borders is increasingly criminalized. 
To dive into all of this, Nyt Europa has the unique opportunity to welcome Jonas Grimheden, Human Rights Officer at Frontex. Grimheden advice and monitors the situation at the EU’s external borders, focusing particularly on pushbacks and deaths at sea. He has previously worked at the EU’s Fundamental Rights Agency and Raoul Wallenberg Institute for Human Rights at Lund University. He will take us behind the scenes and provide his perspective on the challenges and dilemmas facing Frontex, while we ask the questions of what role should the EU and civil society play in managing migration?  
FRONTEX is the only border police agency with a human rights department – what does that mean in practice, and does it make a real difference? Join us for an important debate on EU border control, human rights, and the future of migration policy. 

If you are a media representative/journalist wanting to participate for work purposes accreditation will be available through Nyt Europa (message nora@nyteuropa.dk). We will also help with contact for interviews but make no promises of such.  
Arrangementet er finansieret med tilskud fra Europa-Nævnet. Ansvaret for indholdet er alene tilskudsmodtagers. 

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Nyt Europa
Tlf: +45 +4560566951

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Nyt Europa
Tlf: +45 +4560566951