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Young Europe is Voting 2024

Dato og tid

Mandag d. 20. maj 2024 kl. 12:00 til søndag d. 26. maj 2024 kl. 16:00


Fredag d. 15. marts 2024 kl. 23:55


The Youth Island, Middelgrundsfortet, 1433 Copenhagen The Youth Island
1433 Copenhagen

Young Europe is Voting 2024

Welcome to Young Europe is Voting 2024


Welcome to Young Europe is Voting 2024

The future belongs to the youth – therefore we want to strengthen the voice and influence of the European youth by inviting you to take part in a week of learning and debating European history and challenges. At the end of the week, the wishes of the youth will be presented to politicians and relevant stakeholders ensuring that the voices of the European youth will be heard before the European Parliament election in June. Apply now – participation and travel are free. We look forward to seeing you.

Let your voice be heard!


Don't know if you want to participate? Take a look at this video from the last Young Europe is Voting event in 2019: Young Europe is Voting 2019

Young Europe is Voting is a week for 200 Europeans aged
18-30 to meet in Denmark to learn, debate, and propose their wishes for politicians before the European Parliament election in June 2024. 60 Young Europeans in groups of 10 will visit 6 Danish Folk High Schools and join the students at the schools. Together they will dive into European history and identify challenges and solutions.

The week consists of two parts: the first part takes place at the Folk High Schools from Monday to Thursday. Here you will dive into one of the six topics, learning from each other, and discussing the challenges we face and the solutions we wish to see. 

For the second part of the week, from Thursday to Sunday, all the European participants and the students of the Folk High Schools will meet at a youth summit bringing together more than 200 people. Here, you will participate in creating a manifest stating the wishes of the European youth and hand it over to politicians. The results from the summit will be handed over to the newly elected European Parliament later this year. 

A more specific program for the week will be sent out in week 14.

Danish Folk High Schools: 
The six amazing schools are: 
- Krogerup
- Aarhus Idrætshøjskole

The event takes place in week 21 from the 20th to the 26th of May 2024

During 'Young Europe is Voting' each Folk High School will work with a specific theme. Pick the topic you find the most interesting. We will do our best to comply with your wish, but we cannot guarantee that you get your top priority. The topics are: 

In this course, we will dive into the impacts of climate change, with a special focus on Europe’s role in the global challenge. The course will delve into environmental justice, sustainability, and the EU's influence and explore how climate change affects communities, economies, and societal structures.

Breaking Boarders:
In this course, we will explore the importance of breaking down dividing borders. We discussed issues that affect marginalized communities, including asylum seekers, refugees, and individuals living in camps or on streets throughout Europe. We delved into topics of discrimination, stereotyping, and generalization, with a focus on understanding and breaking down the societal, political, and economic borders that exist within and between different communities.

Democracy, participation, and civic space:
This course explores the foundations of democracy, emphasizing active citizen engagement and the critical importance of civic spaces. Tailored for individuals interested in political science, governance, and civic responsibility, this course delves into the principles and history of democracy, the importance of citizen participation, and the significance of preserving and expanding civic spaces.

EU in the world:
EU in the world delves into the role of the EU on the global stage. In this course, we will study and debate international relations, political science, and global affairs. This course explores the EU's role in the world and its impact on various aspects of global governance, welfare, economics, and much more.

Equality: Employment and education:
In this course, we explore the connection between equality, employment, and education. Designed for those with a passion for social justice, this course looks at the obstacles and possibilities related to equal opportunities.

Fundamental Rights and Rule of Law:
The course explores democratic societies and the essential principles behind them. Tailored for those interested in law, governance, and human rights, this course delves into the history and foundation of fundamental rights and the rule of law.

Criteria for participation:
Due to a limit of 60 participants from Europe in YEiV, the applicants must live up to a few important eligibility criteria. Please send your application and we will get back to you as soon as possible and no later than week 12 to let you know if you got the spot on this year's YEiV!

  • Applicants must be between 18-30 years old at the time of applying. 
  • You must live in Europe – but you don’t have to be an EU citizen.
  • Include a short motivational message about why you want to be a part of Young Europe is Voting (box in the application)
  • List your priorities of topics from 1-6 (1 is your favorite)

NOTE: The registration closes when we have enough participants so do NOT wait until the deadline to apply!

Important dates:
The deadline for applying to YEiV is March 15th, 2024

You will receive an email confirming that we have received your application shortly after completing the application.

PLEASE NOTE: this is not a confirmation of participation. Further information on whether or not you are going to be a participant follows as soon as we have read the received applications. The registration closes when we have enough participants so do NOT wait until the deadline to apply!

You can expect clarification no later than March 22nd, 2024.

Costs and Travel expenses:

Participation and travel (interrail) are free. We will provide participants with an interrail ticket. The ticket will be either a ‘4 travel days within a month’ or a ‘7 travel days within a month’ interrail pass - see the list of countries below for which ticket you are eligible for. Meals, accommodation, and transportation in Denmark will be covered as well. There will be ensured transportation to the respective folk high school upon your arrival in Denmark.

NOTE: you will have to buy the interrail ticket and then we will make a refund upon your arrival in week 21. 

Book your interrail ticket as soon as you get the participation confirmation from us to ensure a seat. We do not refund any extra costs related to booking/planning the trip too late (ex. plane tickets) 

4 days of travel within a month:

  • Denmark
  • Spain
  • Portugal
  • Germany
  • France
  • Luxembourg
  • Belgium
  • Netherlands
  • Italy
  • Croatia
  • Schweiz
  • Slovenia
  • Austria


7 days of travel within a month:

  • Sweden
  • Bulgaria
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • Hungary
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • Slovakia

Contact us if you live in one of the following countries:

  • Greece
  • Republic of Cyprus
  • Ireland
  • Scotland
  • Malta
  •  Other island-based countries.

Shared Values:

The Young Europe is Voting project is based on a set of shared values, from which we build our programs around. Our organization supports human rights, and inclusion and sustainability are at the core of all our programs. 

We are committed to building a diverse network that inspires individuals of all backgrounds – across nationalities, races, ethnicities, religions, economic backgrounds, sexual orientations, languages, ages, genders, and prior experiences – to bring their full selves to the work of creating a more progressive, democratic and sustainable Europe.

The EU values of inclusion, tolerance, justice, solidarity, and non-discrimination prevail in our work, and we do not tolerate homophobia, transphobia, racism, or other discriminatory practices in our programs.

If you sign up to Young Europe is Voting, we expect that you respect these values, and actively contribute to creating a space where these values are implemented. 

We look forward to seeing you!  

The project is co-financed by the European Union.

Financed with a grant from Europa-Nævnet. Responsibility lies solely with the grant recipient. 

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Nyt Europa

Tlf: +45 +4560566951