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Takeaways from the Social Summit in Porto – What happened and what is next?

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Mandag d. 10. maj 2021 kl. 15:00 til 16:00


Mandag d. 10. maj 2021 kl. 12:00


Online, https://zoom.us/, Nyt Europa Danmark Online
Nyt Europa Danmark

Takeaways from the Social Summit in Porto – What happened and what is next?

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En række danske aktører mener, at det er fremtidens danske arbejdsmarkedsmodel, der er på spil, når EU's statschefer mødes i Porto den 7. maj.

For english see below..

Andre, at vi ikke må misse Covid-19 krisens muligheder for at skabe reformer, der sætter mennesket i centrum for det europæiske samarbejde, fremfor økonomien - Et krav, der har eksisteret i mange kredse siden finanskrisen.  

Om topmødet ender med en aftale eller ej, er dog endnu uvist.

Det vi dog med sikkerhed ved er, at Kommissionens forslag om at holde hånden under lønnen i lande, der er uden en overenskomstmodel, som vi kender fra Danmark, er på dagsorden. Det er dog ikke det eneste, der skal diskuteres.

Der skal også diskuteres lige muligheder og adgang til arbejdsmarkedet, arbejdsmiljø, samt minimumsstandarder for velfærd til de europæiske borgere, herunder retten til barsel, sygefravær, sundhed og meget mere. Og mon ikke ulighed som følge af Covid-19 krisen også er på dagsordenen.

I 2017 vedtog EU's stats- og regeringschefer og Europa-Parlamentet EU’s Sociale søjle, som understregede 20 punkter, som EU-landene skal fokusere på. Det er den dagsorden, der skal videreudvikles på. Læs de 20 punkter her: https://bit.ly/3sFtYea

For at gøre os alle sammen klogere på, hvad der kommer ud af mødet, har vi derfor inviteret vores tidligere næstformand, tidligere MEP for Socialdemokratiet og nu ekspert hos tænketanken Foundation for European Progressive Studies, Britta Thomsen.

Britta vil sammen med den tidligere MEP og ordfører på parlamentets lovgivning om den sociale søjle samt tidligere arbejdsminister for de portugisiske socialdemokrater og nuværende præsident for tænketanken Foundation for European Progressive Studies, Maria Joao Rodrigues, samt næstformand i Fagbevægelsens Hovedorganisation og vicepræsident i den europæiske fagbevægelse ETUC, Bente Sorgenfrey, lede os igennem, hvad der er blevet besluttet og hvad vi kan tage med fra topmødet i Porto, samt hvad vi kan forvente os fremadrettet af den sociale dimension i EU.

De tre kvinder vil også komme omkring, hvad beslutningerne fra topmødet betyder for henholdsvis Danmark og Portugal, to lande med meget forskellige sociale modeller.

Arrangementet vil forgå online og er blevet til med støtte fra Europa-Nævnet.
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A series of Danish interest groups believe that the future of the Danish labor market is at risk when the Ministers and Heads of Government meet at the social summit in Porto on the 7th of May.

Others believe that the Covid-19 crisis provides us all with an opportunity for reform that will prioritize human beings rather than economic statistics in European cooperation – a demand that many have insisted on since the financial crisis of 2008.

Whether the summit will result in an agreement or not is as of yet unknown.
What we do know with certainty is that the EU Commissions’ proposal to support a basic income outside of a collective bargaining model as we know from Denmark is on the agenda.

Yet it is not the only model under discussion.

The event will also tackle issues about equal opportunity and access to labor markets, work environment, and a minimum standard for welfare for European citizens, including the right to maternity/ paternity leave, sick leave, healthcare, and much more. And odds are that the topic of inequality as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic is also on the table.

In 2017, EU Heads of State, European-Parliment and Government adopted to EU Social Pillar, which underlined 20 points that EU countries need to focus on. This is the agenda that needs to be reevaluated.
Read the 20 points here:  https://bit.ly/3sFtYea

To help us all understand what was agreed on at the summit, we have invited our previous vice-president and MEP for the Social Democrats, and current expert with the think-tank Foundation for European Progressive Studies, Britta Thomsen.

Britta will be accompanied by Maria Joao Rodrigues, she has previously been the MEP-spokesperson on the social pillar and labour minister for the Portuguese Social Democrats, and the current president for the think-tank Foundation for European Progressive Studies, as well as Bente Sorgenfrey, current vice-president in the Danish Trade-Union’s main organization and vice-president in the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). Together they will guide us through what decisions were made and the big takeaways from Porto, as well as what we can expect from the social dimension of the EU in the coming years.

The three ladies will also address what the decisions taken at the meeting mean for Denmark and Portugal respectively, two countries with widely different social models.
The event will take place online, and you will recive the link for the event a few hours before the event.

The event is supported by Europa-Nævnet. 

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