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Aflyst aflyst - New arrivals in the wake of an exit Aflyst

Dato og tid

Torsdag d. 19. marts 2020 kl. 17:00 til 19:00


Torsdag d. 19. marts 2020 kl. 09:00


Københavns Universitet - Center for Sundhed og Samfund, Lokale 35.01.44, Øster Farimagsgade 5, 1353 København K Københavns Universitet - Center for Sundhed og Samfund, Lokale 35.01.44
Øster Farimagsgade 5
1353 København K

Aflyst aflyst - New arrivals in the wake of an exit Aflyst



Som følge af statsministeren og myndighedernes opfordring i går aftes, så aflyses Nyt Europas og Internationalt Debats arrangement!
Vi håber, at vi må vende tilbage til dig/jer i fremtiden, med andre interessante arrangementer, når vi igen kan forsamle os og debattere vigtige dagsordner.
I første omgang er jeres sikkerhed dog vores allerhøjeste prioritet og derfor har vi valgt at følge sundhedsstyrelsen og myndighedernes retningslinjer.

Pas godt på jer selv og hinanden derude, og vi glæder os til at se jer i gode fællesskaber i fremtiden.
De bedste hilsner
International Debat & Nyt Europa.



The 2004 enlargement of the EU with ten new Central and Eastern European countries marked the end of the artificial division of Europe since the Cold War. The EU’s enlargement policy has been known as a ‘substantial success,’ and is one of the EU’s most effective tools in promoting peaceful, democratic and socio-economic reforms in our neighborhood. Yet, despite past success, internal problems and democratic backsliding in new member states challenges the normative foundation of the EU.

Further enlargement of the EU has become a controversial issue, especially when it comes to the Western Balkan countries and their applications to start accession talks. Many questions remain for further EU enlargement. Are countries like Albania and North Macedonia ready? And now that the UK is leaving, is the EU-27 even ready?

International Debate and Nyt Europa invite you to a discussion about the future of Europe and further EU enlargement. 

The panel will consist of seasoned politicians like the former Danish Prime Minister and Secretary General of NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmussen (V), the Albanian Minister of Justice, Etilda Gjonaj, Member of the European parliament, Margrete Auken (SF, European Greens), Former member of the European parliament, Britta Thomsen (Social Democrats, PES) and a last one person with a more conservative outlook. (TBC). The evening will be moderated by Esben Schjørring editor at Altinget.dk, columnist and co-writer on the book - Værdikæmperne - slaget om danskernes sjæl.

Anders Fogh Rasmussen will shed light on the account of the 2004 enlargement of the EU and what we can learn from this process, as well as his experience from the political scene in Europe. Additionally, the Minister of Justice from Albania, Etilda Gjonaj, will explain the recent reforms of her country and make the case for Albania to start accession talks with the EU. MEP, Margrete Auken and former MEP Britta Thomsen will talk about how their European parties consider the accession talks, and how and if they should proceed, as well as the big hurdles that might be seen within the machinery of the European Union. We are still working on confirming the last person, but this person will probably speak on how this process is viewed and discussed a more Danish conservative perspective.  

Once every view is presented by each person in the panel, there will be a panel debate followed by 30 min. of Q&A. So, do not miss this opportunity to question some of the most experienced politicians in Europe about the future of the European Union.

The event will be in English in favor of the people in the panel to understand everything that is said.

Prior to the event, there will be light snacks and drinks available to registered participants via. Nemtilmeld.


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